إرسال رابط إلى التطبيق


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نمط الحياة التسوق
المطور: 上海世昕软件股份有限公司

Neo-Vogue是一家线上快时尚购物APP。 Neo代表的是新,Vogue代表了时尚,两者相结合传递出一种新型的购物方式: 当下和未来共存的模式。这个app的一个主要亮点是个性化购物和对于环保知识的传播。顾客可以把你们的照片上传到app上,根据自己的兴趣选择颜色,布料,或者自行DIY款式。同时根据虚拟现实的技术,可以模拟顾客穿着的样子,为你们的购决策提供参考。这种个性化的购物也是未来的发展变化之一。在这里,抛开那些传统的样式,发挥你的想象力,做成一套属于你独一无二的潮服吧!
Neo-Vogue, an online fast fashion shopping app, stands for a new way of shopping that is based on the fast fashion concept the future trends. A novelty for our app is the personalized shopping and the delivery of recycling information. Costumers are able to post your pictures on the app and the VR technology can visualize your looking for a set of clothing. Also, you can pick the colors, materials or add some fashion elements in clothes you want to buy. In this way, consumers can choose exactly what you want and meet your demands effectively. More importantly, the way of customization will be a trend in future markets. Here, let go of those traditional styles, use your imagination, and make a unique suit that belongs to you!